"Even the once-mighty British Army could field, at most, three brigades." But there are 2 magnificent aircraft carriers just waiting....ready for trouble! No seriously, until these carriers have to be mothballed or sold, they will remain a viable threat...... er sorry target.
Thanks for another basic, logical, statement of facts that no one in power or apparently amongst those advising governments, seems to understand. OR, alternatively they FULLY understand it, but have some other reason not to admit it publicly.
As the Russians sweep to the Dnieper in Ukraine from the East at an ever increasing pace and as the Kursk salient is fully liquidated in the coming months (weeks?), my fear is that the empire running this war will manufacture some "event" that calls for Nato troops in western Ukraine. Should that occur, we are all going to regret it quite deeply.
"Even the once-mighty British Army could field, at most, three brigades." But there are 2 magnificent aircraft carriers just waiting....ready for trouble! No seriously, until these carriers have to be mothballed or sold, they will remain a viable threat...... er sorry target.
Thanks for another basic, logical, statement of facts that no one in power or apparently amongst those advising governments, seems to understand. OR, alternatively they FULLY understand it, but have some other reason not to admit it publicly.
As the Russians sweep to the Dnieper in Ukraine from the East at an ever increasing pace and as the Kursk salient is fully liquidated in the coming months (weeks?), my fear is that the empire running this war will manufacture some "event" that calls for Nato troops in western Ukraine. Should that occur, we are all going to regret it quite deeply.